28 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists - Lesson #1 - The Holy Scriptures

The Following is the Study Guide for Lesson #1 - The Holy Scriptures - from the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists which is in the book, "Seventh-day Adventists Believe . . . " 2005 edition.  All answers come from the King James Version of the Bible and the True/False questions will come from the book. 

This is a powerful study into the Word of God and also into the basic beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists to give clarity and unity in what we truly believe, and why. New posts will be forth coming with each of the 28 lessons.  We trust that you will be blessed and your faith strengthened as you see God and His love so amazingly presented.

The Holy Scriptures

“Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Jeremiah 15:16


A little boy found in a dark closet the family Bible, covered with dust.

“Mama, whose book is this?” he asked.

“That’s God’s book”, she replied.

“Well, Mama,” the little fellow said, “don’t you think we had better give it back to God? We never use it”.


When Stanley started across the continent of Africa in search of Livingstone, he carried with him seventy-three books.  As the days and weeks passed, he was obliged to throw away the books one by one until all were gone except his Bible.  Stanley treasured the Bible. He read it through three times on that remarkable trip.


Once, a librarian at the University of Edinburgh asked a professor to pick out from the library all the books on his subject that were no longer needed.  He replied, “Take away every book over ten years old, except the Bible”.  Unlike humanity’s literature, that becomes obsolete after a few years, the Bible has stood the test of relevancy for centuries.  It is the one book that lives through the ages.  It has stood the test of time.


Many think the Bible is too difficult to understand and is too boring.  The fact is, they never open the Book and thus cheat themselves of joy, comfort, peace, and possibly eternal salvation.  Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4  And Jesus is right.  He found the Scriptures helpful in resisting the devil and in knowing His Father’s will.  So can you.

Points to Ponder

  1. The Bible is the best-selling and most-read book in the world. Why?
     It answers the deepest longing of the human heart – to be loved, to belong.
  2. Christians believe that the Bible is inspired.  Why?
    Peoples’ lives are changed through its influence.  Its prophecies come true. It has God’s answer to the most vexing human problems. It shows how sinners can be saved.
  3. Through the centuries, people have been willing to die for this Bible. Why?
    Because the Bible reveals God’s love for the human race, and this love is manifest in Jesus.  Christians love Jesus and want to show their love and loyalty to Him.  The are overjoyed through the certainty of being with Him.
  4. Many have no interest in even reading the Bible.  Why?
    They feel trapped, with so many demands on their time. What time they do have, they want to spend having fun in their own way.  Many feel religion would only interfere with their plans.  The Bible invites, “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8 Without that experience, they are the losers.
  5. Others study the Bible a great deal.  Why?
    Like the prophet Jeremiah, they have discovered that the Bible becomes the joy and rejoicing of their hearts. Jeremiah 15:16. The more they study it, the more satisfying and fascinating it becomes, until nothing brings them more pleasure than the hours they spend with the Author of the Word.

If you know your Lord from studying His Word, you can be as wise as the mountain goat. Let me explain.

A mountaineer, hiking in dangerous mountains above the timberline, was crossing the snow crust of a glacier.  Using his ice axe and ropes, he carefully edged along the steep slope.  Suddenly, he noticed what appeared to be a puff of smoke rising from the hanging wall just below him. Past experience indicated that this was the first signal of an avalanche!

At that moment he saw a mountain goat feeding on a nearby ridge. The animal stopped, tensed, and the big humpback quivered under its white fur.  It too recognized danger – time to run.  Instantly, it bounced to an ice wall, sized it up, and sprinted out of sight.  The mountaineer knew that wild goats know their mountains.  His only chance of safety was to follow the goat.  If there was a way of escape, the goat would know it. 

Running to the ice wall, he slammed his axe into the marks the goat had made with his hooves and heaved his body up the route.  Ledges and handgrips he never expected appeared.  Struggling, he rolled onto solid rock just as he heard the terrible roar of the avalanche covering the trail he had left a few moments before.  The alert wisdom of the goat that knew these high mountains saved both their lives.

As you know your Bible better and better, God will send you messages for every emergency, enabling you to escape Satan’s temptations.

Nuts and Bolts


  1. What will study of the Bible do for a person?
    1 Timothy 3:15From a child thou hast  ______ the holy ___________ , which are able to make you _____ unto ___________ through  ______ which is in _______ ______”
  2. What consistent reports do Bible writers give as to the real source of their writings?
    2 Samuel 23:2  “The _______ of the _____ spoke by me, and his _____ was in my tongue.”

    Micah 3:8  “I am full of ______ by the _______ of the ______.”

    Acts 28:25  “Well spoke the _____ ______ by Esaias the _________ unto our fathers.”
  3. Based on his own experience and study, what did Paul conclude concerning Scripture usage?
    2 Timothy 3:16  “____ Scripture is given by ______________ of _____ and is profitable for _________, for _________. for ____________, for _____________ in righteousness.”
  4. How did God communicate with Bible writers?
    Numbers 12:6  “If there be a prophet among you, I, the Lord, will make _______ known unto him in a ________ and will speak unto him in a _______.”

    1 Samuel 9:15  “The Lord had _____ Samuel in his _____ a day before Saul came.”
  5. What examples of prophecy found in Isaiah were fulfilled in the life of Christ?
    Isaiah 53:3  “He is __________ and __________ of men. . .”

    Isaiah 53:5  “But he was wounded for ____ transgressions, he was bruised for ____ iniquities, the chastisement of ____ peace was upon him; and with his stripes ____ are healed.

    Isaiah 53:8  “. . .for the _______________ of my people was He stricken.”

    Isaiah 53:12  “. . .he was numbered with the _______________; and He bare the ____ of many and made ______________ for the transgressors.”
  6. What three words did Jesus repeatedly say that show He accepted the Bible as the authority?
    Matthew 4:47,10  “___ ___ _________”
  7. Which was more important to the Jews of Christ’s day?  Tradition, or the authority of Scripture?
    Mark 7:7-9   ____________
  8. How did Jesus describe those who didn’t accept the owrds of the prophets?
    Luke 24:25  “Then He said unto them, O _______, and slow of _______ to believe ____ that the prophets have spoken.”
  9. How is it possible for us to understand and be blessed by a book written over a period of 1,500 years by thirty-nine different authors?
    1 Corinthians 2:10  “But God hath __________ them unto us by His ________’ for the _______ searcheth ____ things, yes, the _____ things of ____.  Paul says he speaks, “not in the _______ which man’s ________ teacheth, but which the ______ _______ teacheth; comparing ___________ things with spiritual.”  1 Corinthians 2:13

    Even though the Bible has been written by thirty-nine authors, they were all inspired by the same Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is both the author and revealer of Biblical truth, and it continues to speak to us today through the Scriptures.
  10. What did Jesus say about the authority of the Bible and it’s witness to His life and ministry?
    John 5:39  “Search the ____________; for in them you think you have _________ ______; and they are they which ___________ of ____.”

    John 5:46  “For had you believed _______, you would have  __________ me; for he ______ of me.”

    Words to Remember
    Revere:  To regard with awe, to venerate.
    Divine Inspiration:  God-breathed, Divine influence exerted upon
    Infallible:  Absolutely trustworthy
    Vision:   A revelation from God, at times involving the future.
    Imbued:  Filled deeply with.

The Difference Between

An Atheist:  One who denies or disbelieves in the existence of God

An Agnostic:  One who holds that the existence of God is unknown and unknowable.

A Christian:  One who accepts Jesus Christ as his Saviour and exemplifies in his/her life the teachings of Christ.


I Truly Believe

The Bible is filled with “exceeding great and precious promises”.But do I value and use them?

The shabby old man studied the object in his hand.He started toward the door of the jeweler’s shop and then stopped.Fingering the rough-looking stone, he murmured to himself, “Won’t hurt to ask.It’s been lying around home so long. Might as well find out if it’s worth anything.”Screwing up his courage, he stepped forward, hesitated, and finally opened the door.

The expert jeweler cutter smiled.“May I help you?”

“Yes, my father found this red pebble when he was a boy.My mother put it in my suitcase.Been lying around the house ever since.The kids played with it. The baby cut her teeth on it.A rat dragged it into a hole, but I found it.Things been mighty rough with us – real hard times.Been tempted to see if it had any value, but kinda hated to part with it.Been in the family so long.Think it might be worth cuttin’ and polishin’?”

The expert craftsman studied the stone for several minutes.Then he spoke, “Mister, your pebble isn’t just an ordinary rock.It is a pigeon’s-blood ruby.”

The old stone proved to be a flawless, perfect ruby weighing nearly twenty-four carats.It was perfect in color and texture – beautiful, clear, full of red fire, and worth up to $250,000.

For years the old man and his family had struggled with poverty, gone without, and suffered want.All the time they had on their shelf that which could have changed everything. But they didn’t realize its value.

You too, have a treasure in your home – the Bible, filled with precious words from the God of the Universe. At your fingertips you have valuable promises that can change your life and solve your problems.Don’t be like that old man and let it lie unused when you need it so much.

Think carefully about each of the following statements.If, in your heart, you agree with the concept of each statement, check the box.


[ ]I believe that the Bible pictures a loving God who longs to communicate with me, although I often forget about Him and go on doing my own thing.

[ ]I believe that holy men of God were inspired with the message of my Bible.

[ ]I believe that as I get to know Him better by reading His Word, I will feel less stress and be happier.

[ ]I’m going to find time every day to read my Bible so I’ll know Jesus better.


My Prayer


Dear Father,

I thank you for the Bible that reveals Your Love and Your Will for me.Give me an open heart to understand what to read and a desire to obey You and to tell others of You.Make me responsive to Your Holy Spirit as it impresses my heart with truth.May I hide Your Words in my heart and become more and more like Jesus.

In His precious name, I pray.






The Word of God



Read the following Bible texts and with the help from the lesson above, answer the following questions by circling “T” if the statement is true, or “F” if the statement if false. (Hint: there are 8 true and 2 false).



Psalm 119:105

Proverbs 30:5,6

Isaiah 8:20

Matthew 4:3-10

John 17:172

1 Corinthians 2:10-15

1 Thessalonians 2:13

2 Timothy 3:15-17

Hebrews 4:12

2 Peter 1:20,21




  1. T or F        The Holy Scriptures, among other functions, are the standard of character and the authoritative  revealer of doctrines (see pg 11)
  2. T or F        General and Special Revelation are the two forms of Divine Revelation (see pg 12)
  3. T or F        The uniqueness of the Scriptures is based on their original and distinct themes, not their            origin and source. (see pg 13)
  4. T or F        The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testament, were given by Divine Inspiration through theHoly Spirit to Holy men who were moved to write them. (see pg 13,14)
  5. T or F        God inspired men to write in their own words the records we find in Scripture.  (see pg
  6. T or F        The Bible’s writers viewed all the historical narratives it contains as true historical records, not as myths or symbols. (see pg 17)
  7. T or F        Bible writers and prophets used phrases, such as, “the Word of the Lord” and “Thus says     the Lord”, to indicate their Divine Authority. (see pg 18)
  8. T or F        Jesus gave us an example of how to overcome Satan.  When tempted to do something          wrong, he responded to Satan with the statement “It is written”. (see pg 1819)
  9. T or F        Without the Holy Spirit’s illumination of our minds, we could never correctly understand the Bible or even acknowledge it as God’s authoritative will.  (see pg 19)
  10. T or F        Church leaders can tell people what to obey even if it is not supported by the Bible. (see
                pg 20)