Community Services

Our Community Services Ministry is a growing and active ministry reaching out and available to those in need. Kathy Pratt and Sherri Easter have taken it upon themselves to create a ministry of receiving from those who have and giving to those who have not.  We now have a room in the Fellowship Hall filled with clothing, shoes, coats, personal items, household items and more that is available for people to come and 'shop' for their needs.  All items are without a price, but donations are gladly received to help buy more to share.

Various giveaway programs are offered during the year such as clothing giveaway in the Spring, coat/blanket/shoes giveaway in the late Fall, Thanksgiving Food Bags given away to the needy just before the holiday, a "plushy giveaway" in December to give stuffed animals to children who love to hug soft critters.  

These ladies are dedicated to helping those in need.  We appreciate their love and service as they help alleviate the stress from many who reach out for help.  No one will be turned away.  If you need help with clothing or household items that we may have, call Kathy at 479 366-6403.